We believe that integrating more physical activity in your life does not have to be boring or exhausting. Taking more opportunities to move will already improve your health, but we understand that sometimes people need some inspiration.
That's why we developed an app called MoveApp that delivers personalized suggestions for physical activities that will inspire you with new ways to move more! Try it out yourself in our user study organized by Ghent University - imec, in which we want to investigate the effect of our recommendations on people's motivation for physical activity.
Unfortunately, you cannot start the study anymore, and the download link is no longer available
(Android smartphones only)
If you decide to participate, you can install MoveApp on your Android smartphone and use it in your daily life, anywhere you go, by submitting:
MoveApp's recommendations are based on your own activity history and preferences, but also on your location and submitted daily mood. Therefore, the more information you enter in the app, the more the app learns your preferences for activities to generate these personalized suggestions. Submitting these only takes +/- 3 minutes of your time per day. So try to fill in the relevant items on a daily basis and watch the system evolve.
All research data submitted through MoveApp will be processed pseudonymized. We take your privacy very seriously. We worked for months together with the privacy officers at imec and Ghent University to make this app fully GDPR proof and this study received ethical approval.
To receive the compensation money, you must have had sufficient interactions with the app and answered the questionnaires shown in the app:
Read a detailed explanation of the compensation money here and here
We do not reward you for having more physical activity, but for the amount of interactions you have with the app. These interactions will be monitored automatically throughout the study: submitting items in the app (this includes ENTER OWN ACTIVITY and NOT NOW submits), answering the questionnaires carefully, opening the app, responding to the notifications, filling in the daily mood questions etc. So remember to open the app daily to enter every activity after having engaged in it.
If you decide to participate, you do not have to let us know. You can simply install the app on your device here and fill in all the questionnaires in the app itself.
! People who have already participated in the previous study with MoveApp can participate again in this study! The app download has a different name (MoveApp2.0) and different app icon (the most recent one is grey) so that you can have both apps installed at the same time. Do not remove the other app if you still want to fill in the last questionnaire of the previous study on the 1st of June, 2023!
Unfortunately, you cannot start the study anymore, and the download link is no longer available
Because the app is designed to protect your privacy, we do not know who the personal information that you entered in the app belongs to and we cannot provide medical help (3). When you have questions, please email us because this cannot be done through the app. Communication over email will be done securely (1).
The reasoning behind our compensation system is that you have to interact with the app and fill in the questionnaires in order to receive money. Therefore, we do not reward you for engaging in more physical activity, but for interacting (correctly) with the app. As such, we will manually check the quality of your app usage every time you submitted a questionnaire:
You can only subscribe for the compensations when you enter your email address immediately after filling in the questionnaires, and if you meet the conditions explained here! Your answers to the questionnaires are never connected to your email address or the quality of your interaction with the app, hence why you have to re-enter your email address for every questionnaire.
A submit only counts when you have opened the app itself, entered your information in the main screen of MoveApp and pressed the "SUBMIT" button, followed by your answers to the mood and motivation questions. Make sure you are connected to the internet.
Here you will find the link to a comprehensive user manual with screenshots for the installation and how to exercise your right to be forgotten, an instruction video and legal documents.
For more questions or when encountering technical difficulties, contact us on ine.coppens@ugent.be (1).
Installation and Instruction Manual
Information and Consent Form
Terms of Use
Privacy Policy
Cookie Policy
If you are not sure whether you want to participate in this study, feel free to read the manual or watch the instruction video to get an idea of how the app works.
Ine Coppens
imec - Ghent University
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
Department of Information Technology
Technologiepark - Zwijnaarde 126
9052 Gent
Register to receive a summary of the research findings: ine.coppens@ugent.be (1)
(1) Consent for email communication:
In order to answer your questions if you would have any, send your compensation to you or send the results of the study to you if you would be interested, we need to process your email address in function of the follow-up and assistance of the research. Should you decide to participate, your email address is in no way linked to the research data you submitted or will submit during the study in the app. We process your personal data only for this purpose based on your consent to handle your questions and requests in the best possible way and to communicate with you. This consent for email communication may be revoked at any time by reporting this to the main researcher via mail. Please refer to the Privacy Policy for more information about the personal data processed for email communication: Privacy Policy
(2) Visiting this website:
When you visit our website (https://moveapp.ugent.be/ and all other subpages thereof), access logs of your IP address, browser information and time of visit are collected. The access logs are only accessible by the administrator of the website and are only used to verify the functionality and stability of the website. These data will only be kept for the duration of the study, will never be linked to any of your other personal data submitted in this study and will be deleted when the study is finished. We process your personal data for this purpose based on our legitimate interest to provide added security and prevent abuse for our website. Please refer to the Privacy Policy for more information about the personal data processed for the website: Privacy Policy
(3) Medical disclaimer:
The app is not designed to and does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or to any other individual. MoveApp generates a list of suggested physical activities, which the user does not have to execute. This list is a suggestion and not medical or professional advice. Users of MoveApp can always choose to ignore these suggestions. Do not rely on the generated suggestions in this app to start engaging in the suggested physical activity. Never rely on the suggestions in place of seeking professional medical advice. You must consult a doctor before engaging in physical activity when you failed the medical health screening questions (one or more times 'yes' as the answer), and you cannot use this app in that case.
Through the app, Ghent University collects subjective medical information for research purposes only. The submission in this app of your subjective medical information for both physical and mental health is not a substitute for medical or professional care, and you should not use the app in place of a visit, call consultation or the advice of your physician or other healthcare provider.
If you believe you have any health problem, or if you have any questions regarding your health or a medical condition, you should promptly consult your physician or other healthcare provider. Never disregard medical or professional advice, or delay seeking it, because of something you entered in this app. Never rely on information submission in this app in place of seeking professional medical advice. You should also ask your physician or other healthcare provider to assist you in interpreting any information in this app or in applying the information to your individual case. We respect your privacy and we will not take the initiative ourselves for contacting medical help.
If you think you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or the medical emergency services immediately. Do not rely on electronic communications or communication through this app for immediate, urgent medical needs. This app is not designed to facilitate medical emergencies.
Please refer to the Terms of Use if you want to use this app: Terms of Use
(4) Processing of the incentive:
For every correctly submitted weekly questionnaire that includes sufficient amount of interaction with the app of that week, 3 EUR will be added to the 6 EUR of the post-test questionnaire (providing a maximum total of 30 EUR). The sum of the weekly and post-test questionnaires will only be paid when the post-test questionnaire is also submitted correctly. The money from the follow-up questionnaire can only be paid when the post-test questionnaire is also submitted correctly. The reasoning behind this is that the post-test questionnaire is the most valuable for our research. In total, 4000 EUR can be paid for all participants, meaning that the first 100 participants that finish the study can receive 40 EUR. The app will not work anymore after the follow-up questionnaire due to GDPR regulations. Participants have to remember themselves to open the app regularly to not miss any of the questionnaires. When the app is insufficiently opened, it is possible that notifications will not show anymore, or questionnaires will expire. Only for the follow-up test questionnaire, a reminder email will be sent to those who submitted their email address for the post-test questionnaire. In total, a maximum of 40 EUR can be earned. The sum of your earned money will be paid twice: the first part at the end of the 8 weeks (up to 30 EUR, if you answered the 8 weekly questionnaires and had sufficient interaction with the app, and if post-test questionnaire is submitted before the deadline date), and the second part after 6 months (10 EUR, only if you also filled in the post-test questionnaire and choose to keep the app installed on your smartphone for 6 months). You need an EU bank account number to receive the compensation money on. Send an email to ine.coppens@ugent.be if a questionnaire does not show up or if you have other problems.